Computer animation production has borrowed most of the ideas from conventional animation production, including the use of a storyboard, test shots, and pencil testing.
Drawings can be originated either by hand or directly into the computer using the animation program or another image creation program such as Adobe Photoshop or Illustrators.
Two leading 2D animation programs used in Britain and the US are Animo and Toonz. Others, popular in various parts of the world, include Retas!Pro and MediaPegs.
Computer animation is often combined with live-action material and is a process, which consist of three separated stages: creating the computer animation, photographing the live action and combining the two into a seemingly single integral image.
Computer animation has been widely used in advertising for several years. In fact, at one time, it was the major application for computer animation. Today, computer animation is still very popular, but has become so sophisticated that is not always possible to detect when it is being used.
Computer animation