Today’s enterprise are looking for delivery of real-time information to customers and partners.
Businesses have become internetworked E-business enterprises. The internet and internet-like networks inside the enterprise (intranets), between the enterprise and its trading partners (extranet), and other types of networks are now the primary information technology infrastructure of many organizations.
An internetworked e-business enterprise uses the internet, intranets, extranets and other networks to support every step of the commercial process.
An internetworked E-business enterprise enables managers, business professional, team and work groups to electronically exchange data and information anywhere in the world with other end user, customer, supplier and business partners.
One of its characteristics is its focus on the core business while outsourcing other activities via the internet and e-business exchanges to partners that may have the expertise to perform specific tasks better and more cost-effectively.
Companies and work groups can thus collaborate more creatively, manage their business operations and resource more effectively, and compete successfully in today’s fast-changing global economy.
Internetworked E-business