A computer system comprises hardware and software components, aiming to offer a powerful computational tool. These systems play a crucial role across diverse domains, aiding us in numerous tasks. The prevalence of the internet has significantly bolstered the utilization of computers for information sharing and communication. Computer systems empower us to store, process, display, and transmit information. Even in a basic modern computer system, multiple programs are typically required to carry out various functions effectively.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Business concept of E-Business

E-business enables the market to become global. The well-known yellow pages are becoming electronic directories. E-business does involve implementing new systems and technology, which is a minor but important part of the puzzle.

E-business is about conducting the business both internally and/or externally by electronic means, e.g. over the internet, intranet or extranet. In involves not only buying and selling, but also operating automated, efficient internal business processes servicing customers and collaborating with the suppliers and business partners.

E-business impacts the technology, processes, organization, and management of the organization. These statements have strong implications for carrying out a successful e-business effort.

*Politics is an important part of e-business implementation. Nobody can ignore it or sweep it under the rug. It is there because e-business has such far-ranging impacts. E-business alters the power structure of departments and the entire organization.

*The culture of the society, organization and environment is an important factor in e-business because we are dealing with customers, suppliers and employees.

*Information technology (IT) has a major role that goes beyond systems work. Information technology is the only group that spans the organization and addresses the technology. Information technology must have a central role in e-business implementation.

Conducting business electronically is a change from traditional ways of doing things, leading to large scale transformation of existing business. To attain business efficiencies from e-business, it is imperative that organization effectively manage the e-business environment, and all associated changes to digitize and maintain the environment.
Business concept of E-Business

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